Our Rich Tierney addressed the Senior Citizens Club on the subject of Emergency Alert Systems and reintroduced a new cell phone "companion" that connects to a hard line phone and directly to 911 in the event of an emergency

A past 50/50 Raffle was handled by Rotarians George Gregor, Greg Bakay, and Peter Nicolas.

Al DeCuir, Donald Cheng, and Justin Arteaga were guests at an event held at the Florham Park Memorial First Aid Squad.

At the campus of the New York Jets, Florham Park Rotary President George Gregor presented a 50-Year Super Bowl Anniversary certificate to Jets President Neil Glat, flanked by Jets executive Tim McDonough (at left) and Florham Park Mayor and Rotarian Mark Taylor.

"Ice Cream with a Cop" and "Coffee with a Cop" have become popular traditions and have provided local town citizens to get to know members of the Borough's police force.

At a weekly meeting Florham Park Rotary welcomed Cheryl Ricci-Francione, Exe-cutive Director of the Greater NJ Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association, based in Florham Park. The presentation was as informative as it was sobering, and ad-dressed a serious problem and the efforts to solve it - on both an international and local basis. Ms. Ricci-Francione was welcomed by (from left) George Gregor, Rich Tierney, and Peter Nicolas, who introduced the guest speaker.

Florham Park Rotary places a high priority on helping students in the Borough at all levels. Among the gifts made to the Brooklake Elementary School were twelve Xterra Spin Bikes. At left (from left) Peter Nicolas, Rotary Sergeant-at-Arms; Brooklake Elementary School Principal, Thomas Connolly; Brooklake Physical Ed Teacher, Jennifer Gilligan; Florham Park Rotary President, George Gregor; and Florham Park Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Steven Caponegro.

Each year, Florham Park Rotary presents dictionaries to third grade students at Brooklake Elementary School. Prior to the pandemic, Rotarians such as George Gregor and Peter Nicolas did that,, visiting classes and helping explain the importance of building a working vocabulary. Here, Sergeant-at-Arms Nicolas (at right), guides students in Ms. Conroy's class through dictionary search techniques.

Each holiday season, Florham Park Rotarians place an "Angel Tree" at the local post office. The Tree is adorned with "wish list" tags from children who are sponsored by the Division of Child Protection and Permanency in Morris Plains.

In an unprecendented historical reversal, due to pandemic of 2020, the "town came to the parade" on July 4th, as Florham Park residents drove their vehicles - at a distance - through Borough Hall park, where organizations, including Rotary, were stationed along the "parade route." Below, Rotarians Simone Campbell, Mayor Mark Taylor, and George Gregor greeted the many "passersby."

The 50/50 Raffle that followed a July 4 "parade" was handled by Florham Park Rotarians Rex Lyon (at extreme right) and attended by Mayor Mark Taylor, Secretary Simone Campbell, and Sergeant-at-Arms Peter Nicolas.
The success of the Angel Tree seems to grow with each passing holiday season.
Suspended during the year of the pandemic, Spring Cleanup resumed at Camp Merry Heart in Hackensack, New Jersey, and nine members of the Florham Park Rotary spent part of a Saturday in and around the Science Building (for which this Rotary has responsibility). Participating (from left at rear): Bob Feid, Rex Lyon, Peter Nicolas, Laura Kern, Simone Campbell, George Gregor, and Betty O'Brien, with Karol Williams and Debbie O'Keefe in the foreground.

Above center, Bob Feid, always the hardest worker. At right, Peter Nicolas chops away. Others worked inside and out.

With the day's work completed, lunch followed.

Annual Halloween Dog Parade and Costume Contest

Rotary President Simone Campbell leads the parade in two laps around the Gazebo Lawn.

Attractions included a police dog demonstration.
Each Independence Day Parade, the Florham Park Rotary participates by showcasing one or more scholarship award winners, always in convertibles contributed by Rotarians and local citizens.

Below, long-term Rotarian Peter Nicolas, Sergeant-at-Arms of Florham Park Rotary, walks the parade route, explaining both the meaning of Rotary and the scholarship program to parade onlookers.

Taste of Florham Park
For several years, Florham Park Rotary has hosted an event in the Vanderbilt Mansion at Fairleigh Dickinson University. The event is supported by many food establishments and other local businesses, and showcases Florham Park in a new light. The event in May 2024 was especially significant as the Borough celebrated its 125th Anniversary.

Participating food establishments and others have been recognized with certificates of appreciation, including Pastosa Ravioli; Lucy's Gift; Anita's Baked Wonders; NothingBundtCakes; Baba's Bakery & Cafe; Florham Park Pizza; and Florham Park Diner, which hosts the weekly meetings of the Florham Park Rotary club every Friday morning over breakfast.

In addition to Baba's Bakery and NothingBundtCakes, Enjou Chocolat is an establishment located in a neighboring town that participated in the "Taste of Florham Park".

New owners of Florham Park Pizza & Restaurant, Don and Doli Gecaj, are welcomed and thanked by Florham Park Rotary Secretary David Kramer.
In 2024, Florham Park Rotary's scholarship fund was able to grant six awards. Rachel Henning (below, left, with Rotarian and Scholarship Committee member Debbie O'Keefe) won a Scholarship Award. Anika Lippke, who attended a Rotary breakfast meeting with her parents, was awarded a Community Service Award. presented by Florham Park Rotary Treasurer and Scholarship Committee Chair Betty O'Brien, with Club Sergeant-at-Arms Peter Nicolas.

Following the Rotary breakfast meeting, Ms. Lippke received the gift of a Florham Park Rotary Club banner from Past President Simone Campbell.

Each October, Florham Park Rotary organizes a popular Halloween Dog Parade and Costume Contest, bringing out dozens of canine participants and their masters.
Florham Park Rotary hosts interesting speakers throughout the year, including periodic "public service" announcements from the public service community, including members of the local police department (at right, Ptl. Faith Carney)

Rex Lyon was honored for his Fifty Years as a Rotarian. Here, presented a token of his remarkable achievement by Treasurer Betty O'Brien and Past President Simone Campbell.